Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, 14 October 2011

donald duck theme for awish 1st birthday party

taraaaaa....ur cousin is near to 1year old orked
cepatnye mase berlalu kan...

d same thing yg same between u and awish is
1) both of u cucu to atok n nenek...<<tu memangla kan
2) both u is ceaserian baby..<< so watch out ok, my tummy kene potong just for U to see d world
3) both of u is a 1st child...rase2 ade adek2 x nnt??we will see...hehehhe

lain...mama da xbole pk..kalau awish lahir 15nov so d same is orked is on 15th awish lahir xsame la....

so....back to titlte post
mama nak orked pakai baju duck duck..
mama pon goggle sane cni
semate2 nk cari d kind of baju
xcited sgt2.....


Price : RM22.50
papa says: alaa, tshirt je...xnaklaaa....


Price : RM 52.00 (mahal jugak)
papa says: ok jugak tp cam klaka je n mahal la pulak...hahahahha

Price: RM35.00
papa says: baju tido...hohohoo

so nampaknye...kene pegi kedai la carik...
hehehehe...best2 dapatla mama ngn orked jalan2 kan....
u want to know wut ur theme on ur 1st besday party???
ORKED IN BUTTERFLIES....beautiful kan??hehehhehe
if mama ade mase mama story about ur besday party ok....
xcited nak story but xtau bile ade mase...

update about ur activity until now...
1) sgt ske talking2 dgn words yg mama mmg xpaham lgsg
2) orked da pandai 'azan'...gudgurl..i got ur video!!hehehehhe
3) ble mama ask u "camne bunyi pecah" orked says "dung" (sambil ketuk kpale tp xketok pon)
4) ble mama ask u :camne bunyi marah" orked says "aip" <<<< tiru mama!!

ok orked...mama got urgent work to do...
esok mama update about ur tengkorak overall...hehehhehe

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